On the water’s edge in Geneva and Zurich, in the forefront of Parisian life, opposite the towering Matterhorn in Zermatt, overlooking the Mediterranean in Ramatuelle, in the heart of History in Bern, under the watchful eye of the Jungfrau in Interlaken, amid the prestigious vineyards of Saint-Estephe… Both in Switzerland, London and in France, Michel Reybier selects the most sought-after addresses, breathtaking views, the best locations.
Searching for a solution that would provide the flexibility to help accelerate their growth, Michel Reybier knew a change in process was essential. In order to access the data, they needed, the team was pulling several reports and manually combining them to create an Excel report that would then be sent out. With a large number of properties across the world, Michel Reybier wanted their General Managers at every property to be able to look at their sales and labor data on a daily and even hourly basis.
Aware of how time-consuming Excel reports were, and the increased chance for human error, it was important for Michel Reybier to modernize their current strategy. Michel Reybier needed to find the right data stack in order to eliminate unnecessary processes under one reporting system to drive efficiency. Using Blent, an implementation supported by data advisors from Blent, Michel Reybier was eager to find a solution that easily transferred information from multiple source systems to one single source of truth. Blent allows Michel Reybier to pull information at every stage, improving their speed to insights from days to mere moments with Blent’s Live Analytics and easy to understand visualizations. The Finance team is now, able to take a granular look into labor data via a proprietary labor matrix measurement and use Blent to help identify any outliers with ease. Now, the Finance team is looking closely into actual sales versus forecasts, budgeting more easily, quickly course correcting, and setting more transparent goals